Entries by admin

A Brief Review of Muller Cells

Müller cells are the principal supporting glial cells of the retina and are considered analogous to central nervous system radial glial or ependymal cells. They have a radial orientation and extend through the depths of the retina from the inner surface, where their expanded ‘foot process’ lies adjacent to the inner limiting membrane, to their […]

Retina and Uveitis MCQs – part 1

QUESTIONS ۱–۴ A 45-year-old male complains of slowly progressive decreased vision in his left eye for 2 months. Visual acuity is 20/200. His fundus examination and OCT are shown in Figures 12-1A and B. FIGURE 12-1A–B ۱   Which of the following best represents the pathophysiology of this patient’s condition?      A)   Embolic phenomenon      B)   Thrombosis at the level of the […]