
Journal Club 17-10-2021

Journal Club 17-10-2021

Updates on Uveitis

Journal Club – 19-9-2021

Special Thanks to Dr Esfandiari and Dr Morad Alizadeh

Journal Club – 12-09-2021

Special Thanks to Dr Arash Mirzaei and Dr Behzad Jafari

Journal Club 31-7-2021

Journal Club 31-7-2021

Special Thanks to Dr Banafsheh Afshan and Dr Mir Mohammad Sadeghi

Management of
Giant Retinal Tears and
Diplopia after Scleral Buckling

Journal Club 24-7-2021

Perioperative considetations in vitreoretinal Surgeries

Special Thanks to Dr Kheder

Journal Club 29-5-2021

Journal club – 17-4-2021


. 2021 Mar 9;S0161-6420(21)00195-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2021.03.009. Online ahead of print.

Ocular Findings in Infants with Congenital Toxoplasmosis Following a Toxoplasmosis Outbreak

Aline Reetz Conceição ۱Lilian Missio ۱Deisi Nara Belucik ۱Luiz Gustavo Brenner Reetz ۱Matheus Henrique Monteiro Leber ۱Kleber Silva Ribeiro ۲Deise Fialho Costa ۲Maria Clara da Silva Valadão ۱Alessandra Gonçalves Commodaro ۲João Rafael de Oliveira Dias ۳Rubens Belfort Jr ۲Affiliations expand


Purpose: We investigated the prevalence of ocular abnormalities in infants vertically exposed to Toxoplasma gondii infection during an outbreak in Santa Maria City, Brazil.

Design: Consecutive case series.

Participants: A total of 187 infants were included in this study.

Methods: The infants were recruited from January 2018 to November 2019. All mothers were screened for syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus before delivery. Toxoplasmosis infection was confirmed in all mothers and infants based on the presence of serum anti-T. gondii immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies. All infants underwent an ophthalmologic examination; ocular abnormalities were documented using a wide-field digital imaging system. Neonatal cranial sonography and/or head computed tomography were performed in 181 infants, and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was screened for anti-T. gondii IgG and IgM antibodies in 159 infants. Peripheral blood samples from nine infants and their mothers were analyzed for the presence of T. gondii DNA by real-time polymerase chain reaction.

Main outcomes measures: Ocular abnormalities associated with congenital toxoplasmosis.

Results: A total of 187 infants were examined. Twenty-nine infants (15.5%) had congenital toxoplasmosis, of whom 19 (10.2%) infants had ocular abnormalities, including retinochoroiditis in 29 of 38 (76.3%) eyes, optic nerve abnormalities in five (13.2%) eyes, microphthalmia in one (2.6%) eye, and cataract in two (5.3%) eyes. Bilateral retinal choroidal lesions were found in 10 of 19 (52.6%) infants. Nine eyes of six infants had active lesions, with retinal choroidal cellular infiltrates at the first examination. Thirteen (7.2%) of 181 infants screened presented with cerebral calcifications. Eighty-three percent of the screened infants were positive for anti-T. gondii IgG and negative for IgM antibodies in the CSF. Congenital toxoplasmosis was higher in mothers infected during the third pregnancy trimester, and maternal treatment during pregnancy was not associated with a lower rate of congenital toxoplasmosis.

Conclusions: High prevalence rates of clinical manifestations were observed in infants with congenital toxoplasmosis after a waterborne toxoplasmosis outbreak, the largest yet described. Cerebral calcifications were higher in infants with ocular abnormalities and maternal infection during the third pregnancy trimester was associated with a higher rate of congenital toxoplasmosis independent of maternal treatment.

Ophthalmology. 2021 Jan 12doi: ۱۰.۱۰۱۶/j.ophtha.2021.01.007 [Epub ahead of print]PMCID: PMC7801188PMID: ۳۳۴۴۴۶۶۰

Face Masks and Bacterial Dispersion Toward the Periocular Area

Joseph J. Raevis, MD,۱Genti Gjyzeli, BS,۲Mihai Mititelu, MD, MPH,۱Jeremy Rogers, PhD,۳Michael Lasarev, MS,۴ and Jonathan S. Chang, MD۱,∗

JAMA Ophthalmol

. 2021 Mar 18;e210221. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2021.0221. Online ahead of print.

Intravitreal Aflibercept Injection vs Sham as Prophylaxis Against Conversion to Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration in High-risk Eyes: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Jeffrey S Heier ۱David M Brown ۲Sumit P Shah ۳Namrata Saroj ۴Sabin Dang ۵Nadia K Waheed ۶Charles C Wykoff ۷Jonathan L Prenner ۸David S Boyer ۹Affiliations expand


Importance: Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) agents may provide a prophylactic effect in high-risk eyes with intermediate dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) against conversion to exudative AMD (eAMD), lowering the risk of vision loss.

Objective: To evaluate intravitreal aflibercept injection (IAI) as prophylaxis against the conversion to eAMD in high-risk eyes at 24 months.

Design, setting, and participants: This single-masked, sham-controlled, randomized clinical trial performed at 4 US clinical sites enrolled patients with intermediate AMD in 1 eye (study eye), defined as presence of more than 10 medium drusen (≥۶۳ to <125 μm), at least 1 large druse (≥۱۲۵ μm), and/or retinal pigmentary changes, and eAMD in the fellow eye. Patients were treated from June 23, 2015, to March 13, 2019.

Interventions: Intravitreal aflibercept injection (2 mg) or sham quarterly injection for 24 months (1:1 randomization).

Main outcomes and measures: The primary end point was the proportion of patients with conversion to eAMD at month 24 characterized by development of choroidal neovascularization, as assessed by leakage on fluorescein angiography and fluid on spectral-domain optical coherence tomography by an independent masked reading center.

Results: Of 128 patients enrolled, 127 (63 in the IAI group and 64 in the sham group) were included in the primary analysis (68 men [53.5%]; mean [SD] age, 76.5 [8.1] years). Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics were balanced between the groups. By month 24, 6 patients (9.5%) in the IAI group and 7 (10.9%) in the sham group developed eAMD (P = .98). Patients with a history of eAMD for longer than 2 years in their fellow eye at baseline showed a lower rate of conversion to eAMD in the study eye compared with those with a history of eAMD for 2 years or less in the fellow eye. Safety was consistent with previous studies involving intravitreal anti-VEGF injections.

Conclusions and relevance: In this evaluation of quarterly anti-VEGF exposure as prophylaxis to reduce conversion of eyes with high-risk dry AMD to eAMD, the rates of conversion were not lower in the IAI group compared with the sham treatment group at month 24. Understanding the mechanism of conversion to eAMD and therapies that could prevent this event remains an important unmet need.

Trial registration: Identifier: NCT02462889.

JAMA Ophthalmol

. 2021 Mar 30. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2021.0606. Online ahead of print.

Effect of Intravitreous Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor vs Sham Treatment for Prevention of Vision-Threatening Complications of Diabetic Retinopathy: The Protocol W Randomized Clinical Trial

Raj K Maturi ۱Adam R Glassman ۲Kristin Josic ۲Andrew N Antoszyk ۳Barbara A Blodi ۴Lee M Jampol ۵Dennis M Marcus ۶Daniel F Martin ۷Michele Melia ۲Hani Salehi-Had ۸Cynthia R Stockdale ۲Omar S Punjabi ۳Jennifer K Sun ۹DRCR Retina NetworkAffiliations expand


Importance: The role of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor injections for the management of nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) without center-involved diabetic macular edema (CI-DME) has not been clearly established.

Objective: To determine the efficacy of intravitreous aflibercept injections compared with sham treatment in preventing potentially vision-threatening complications in eyes with moderate to severe NPDR.

Design, setting, and participants: Data for this study were collected between January 15, 2016, and May 28, 2020, from the ongoing DRCR Retina Network Protocol W randomized clinical trial, conducted at 64 US and Canadian sites among 328 adults (399 eyes) with moderate to severe NPDR (Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study severity level, 43-53), without CI-DME. Analyses followed the intent-to-treat principle.

Interventions: Eyes were randomly assigned to 2.0 mg of aflibercept injections (n = 200) or sham (n = 199) given at baseline; 1, 2, and 4 months; and every 4 months through 2 years. Between 2 and 4 years, treatment was deferred if the eye had mild NPDR or better. Aflibercept was administered in both groups if CI-DME with vision loss (≥۱۰ letters at 1 visit or 5-9 letters at 2 consecutive visits) or high-risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) developed.

Main outcomes and measures: Development of CI-DME with vision loss or PDR through May 2020, when the last 2-year visit was completed.

Results: Among the 328 participants (57.6% men [230 of 399 eyes]; mean [SD] age, 56 [11] years), the 2-year cumulative probability of developing CI-DME with vision loss or PDR was 16.3% with aflibercept vs 43.5% with sham. The overall hazard ratio for either outcome was 0.32 (97.5% CI, 0.21-0.50; P < .001), favoring aflibercept. The 2-year cumulative probability of developing PDR was 13.5% in the aflibercept group vs 33.2% in the sham group, and the 2-year cumulative probability of developing CI-DME with vision loss was 4.1% in the aflibercept group vs 14.8% in the sham group. The mean (SD) change in visual acuity from baseline to 2 years was -0.9 (5.8) letters with aflibercept and -2.0 (6.1) letters with sham (adjusted mean difference, 0.5 letters [97.5% CI, -1.0 to 1.9 letters]; P = .47).

Conclusions and relevance: In this randomized clinical trial, among eyes with moderate to severe NPDR, the proportion of eyes that developed PDR or vision-reducing CI-DME was lower with periodic aflibercept compared with sham treatment. However, through 2 years, preventive treatment did not confer visual acuity benefit compared with observation plus treatment with aflibercept only after development of PDR or vision-reducing CI-DME. The 4-year results will be important to assess longer-term visual acuity outcomes.


. 2021 Jan 8;S0161-6420(21)00001-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2020.12.036. Online ahead of print.

Age Effect on Treatment Responses to 0.05%, 0.025%, and 0.01% Atropine: Low-Concentration Atropine for Myopia Progression Study

Fen Fen Li ۱Yuzhou Zhang ۱Xiujuan Zhang ۱Benjamin Hon Kei Yip ۲Shu Min Tang ۳Ka Wai Kam ۴Alvin L Young ۴Li Jia Chen ۵Clement C Tham ۶Chi Pui Pang ۷Jason C Yam ۸Affiliations expand


Purpose: To investigate the effect of age at treatment and other factors on treatment response to atropine in the Low-Concentration Atropine for Myopia Progression (LAMP) Study.

Design: Secondary analysis from a randomized trial.

Participants: Three hundred fifty children aged 4 to 12 years who originally were assigned to receive 0.05%, 0.025%, or 0.01% atropine or placebo once daily, and who completed 2 years of the LAMP Study, were included. In the second year, the placebo group was switched to the 0.05% atropine group.

Methods: Potential predictive factors for change in spherical equivalent (SE) and axial length (AL) over 2 years were evaluated by generalized estimating equations in each treatment group. Evaluated factors included age at treatment, gender, baseline refraction, parental myopia, time outdoors, diopter hours of near work, and treatment compliance. Estimated mean values and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of change in SE and AL over 2 years also were generated.

Main outcome measures: Factors associated with SE change and AL change over 2 years were the primary outcome measures. Associated factors during the first year were secondary outcome measures.

Results: In 0.05%, 0.025%, and 0.01% atropine groups, younger age was the only factor associated with SE progression (coefficient of 0.14, 0.15, and 0.20, respectively) and AL elongation (coefficient of -0.10, -0.11, and -0.12, respectively) over 2 years; the younger the age, the poorer the response. At each year of age from 4 to 12 years across the treatment groups, higher-concentration atropine showed a better treatment response, following a concentration-dependent effect (Ptrend <0.05 for each age group). In addition, the mean SE progression in 6-year-old children receiving 0.05% atropine (-0.90 diopter [D]; 95% CI, -0.99 to -0.82) was similar to that of 8-year-old children receiving 0.025% atropine (-0.89 D; 95% CI, -0.94 to -0.83) and 10-year-old children receiving 0.01% atropine (-0.92 D; 95% CI, -0.99 to -0.85). All concentrations were well tolerated in all age groups.

Conclusions: Younger age is associated with poor treatment response to low-concentration atropine at 0.05%, 0.025%, and 0.01%. Among concentrations studied, younger children required the highest 0.05% concentration to achieve similar reduction in myopic progression as older children receiving lower concentrations.


. 2021 Apr 1;41(4):761-767. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000002952.

COMPARISON OF SCLERAL FIXATION OF INTRAOCULAR LENS: Sutureless Intrascleral Fixation Versus Conventional Sutured Scleral Fixation

Kyu Hwan Jang ۱Mingui Kong ۱ ۲Byung Gil Moon ۳Gisung Son ۱ ۲Affiliations expand


Purpose: To compare the clinical outcomes of sutured scleral and sutureless intrascleral fixations of the intraocular lens.

Methods: Medical records of patients who underwent sutureless intrascleral fixation (sutureless group) and the conventional sutured scleral fixation (sutured group) were retrospectively reviewed. Patient demographics and the clinical outcomes of the two techniques were compared before and 1, 3, and 6 months after surgery.

Results: Seventy patients were followed up for 6 months after the surgery: 25 patients in the sutureless group (25 eyes) and 45 in the sutured group (45 eyes). Surgery time was shorter in the sutureless group than that in the sutured group (73.00 ± ۱۵.۶۸ vs. 107.39 ± ۲۵.۳۰ minutes, P < 0.001). The visual acuity gradually improved throughout the postoperative period in both groups, and a faster visual acuity recovery was observed in the sutureless group. The cylindrical error at 6 months after the surgery was significantly lower in the sutureless group than that in the sutured group (-1.33 ± ۰.۵۵ vs. -2.29 ± ۱.۱۹ diopter, P < 0.001).

Conclusion: Sutureless intrascleral fixation is an effective and reliable surgical technique that provides more favorable visual and refractive outcomes than the conventional sutured scleral fixation method.

Journal Club 20-2-2021


Diogo Cabral ۱ ۲ ۳Florence Coscas ۳ ۴Telmo Pereira ۲Rita Laiginhas ۵Catarina Rodrigues ۱Catherine Français ۳Vanda Nogueira ۱Manuel Falcão ۵Alexandra Miere ۴Marco Lupidi ۶Gabriel Coscas ۳ ۴Eric Souied ۴Affiliations expand


Purpose: To evaluate the correspondence between macular atrophy (MA) progression and Type 1 macular neovascularization morphology during long-term anti-vascular endothelial growth factor treatment for exudative neovascular age-related macular degeneration.

Methods: Retrospective review of consecutive patients with complete retinal pigment epithelium and outer retina atrophy overlying or in the proximity of macular neovascularization. The assessment of MA was based on spectral domain optical coherence tomography, en-face near infra-red imaging and fundus autofluorescence. Macular neovascularization blood flow morphology was evaluated by swept-source optical coherence tomography-angiography. Qualitative features were categorized per ETDRS sector as: immature, mature; and hypermature pattern. An automatic analysis was designed in MATLAB coding language to compute MA per ETDRS. Measurements were compared between the baseline and the last follow-up visit.

Results: Twenty eyes from 20 patients were included; the mean age was 85.4 (8.3) years. The median follow-up was 1.85 (1.0-2.4) years and the median anti-vascular endothelial growth factor injection rate during follow-up was 4.0 (2.0-5.0) injections/year. During follow-up, sectors with persistence of an immature blood flow pattern had a lower MA growth rate than sectors with mature macular neovascularization flow patterns (P = 0.001).

Conclusion: The presence of an immature blood flow pattern on optical coherence tomography-angiography is associated with a lower progression rate of MA.


Pedro S Brito ۱ ۲Jorge V Costa ۱Catarina Barbosa-Matos ۲ ۳Sandra M Costa ۲ ۳Jorge Correia-Pinto ۲ ۳Rufino M Silva ۴ ۵ ۶Affiliations expand


Purpose: To study the role of serum biomarkers as prognostic factors for qualitative and quantitative response to anti-vascular endothelial growth factor injections for diabetic macular edema (DME).

Methods: Sixty-seven eyes with DME were treated with intravitreal bevacizumab during a 12-month follow-up period. All cases underwent a baseline workup consisting of 12 inflammatory, metabolic and prothrombotic factors. The following outcomes were evaluated at 3-month intervals until 1 year of follow-up: visual acuity, central subfield thickness (CST), macular volume (MV), % of change from baseline in CST, occurrence of a CST change < 10%, a CST change >20%, and a CST <330 µm, achieving an improvement ≥۲ lines of visual acuity, achieving visual acuity ≥۲۰/۴۰.

Results: A significant improvement in CST and visual acuity was seen from third month onwards. Twenty-eight (48.1%) cases were classified as “early responders,” 24 (35.8%) as “late responders”, and 15 (22.4%) as “poor responders.” Serum vascular endothelial growth factor-A levels were significantly lower in “poor responders” (P = 0.006). C-reactive protein (hsCRP) was associated with a limited anatomic response (<10% CST change) (P = 0.002, OR = 1.845, cutoff value of hsCRP = 1.84 mg/L). hsCRP was also negatively associated with obtaining a final CST <330 µm (P = 0.04, r2 = 0.112, OR = 0.643). Baseline visual acuity was significantly associated with 12th month visual acuity (P < 0.001, r2 = 0.602) and also with an improvement ≥۲ visual acuity lines (P = 0.009, OR = 20.54).

Conclusion: Increased high-sensitivity C-reactive protein was associated with limited anatomic response to anti-vascular endothelial growth factor treatment and persistent DME. Poor responders had significantly lower values of serum vascular endothelial growth factor-A, suggesting an alternative pathogenic pathway for persisting DME.


Mohamed Kamel Soliman ۱Giampaolo Gini ۲Ferenc Kuhn ۳Barbara Parolini ۴Sengul Ozdek ۵Ron A Adelman ۶Ahmed B Sallam ۷European Vitreo-Retinal Society (EVRS) Endophthalmitis Study GroupAffiliations expand


Purpose: To evaluate the visual outcome associated with intravitreal antibiotics (IVA) and pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for acute postprocedure endophthalmitis.

Methods: Data from 237 eyes presenting with acute postprocedure endophthalmitis were collected from 57 retina specialists in 28 countries. All eyes were treated with IVA on the day of presentation. We classified eyes according to the method of treatment used as IVA and early PPV (IVA + PPV within 1 week of presentation) groups.

Results: After exclusion of ineligible eyes, data from 204 eyes were analyzed. The mean (SD) age of patients was 62.7 (21.8) years and 69.3 (12.7) years in the IVA and PPV groups, respectively (P = 0.18). Endophthalmitis secondary to cataract, intravitreal injections, PPV, and other intraocular procedures represented 64.2%, 16.2%, 13.7%, and 5.9% of cases, respectively. Intravitreal antibiotics alone were administered in 55 eyes (27.0%), and early PPV was performed in 149 eyes (73.0%). No difference was found between groups in the final visual acuity of ≥۲۰/۶۰ (۴۳.۶%, ۶۵ eyes vs. 34.5%, 19 eyes) and ≤counting fingers (30.9%, 46 eyes vs. 36.4%, 20 eyes) for IVA versus early PPV groups, respectively. Vision of light perception (odds ratio = 12.2; 95% confidence interval: 2.0-72.6) and retinal detachment (odds ratio = 7.7; 95% confidence interval: 1.5-409) at baseline were predictive of vision of ≤counting fingers. Retinal detachment at baseline (odds ratio = 20.4; 95% confidence interval: 1.1-372.1) was predictive of final retinal detachment status.

Conclusion: The current retrospective multicenter cohort of eyes with acute postprocedure endophthalmitis reports similar outcomes after treatment with IVA alone when compared with IVA and early PPV within 1 week of presentation.


Zhengyang Liu ۱ ۲ ۳ ۴Luke A Perry ۱Thomas L Edwards ۲ ۳ ۴Affiliations expand


Purpose: Platelet count, mean platelet volume, platelet distribution width, and plateletcrit are standard indices of platelet activation that have been studied in retinal vein occlusion (RVO) and its subtypes: branch retinal vein occlusion and central retinal vein occlusion. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to assess the association between these platelet parameters and RVO.

Methods: We searched for studies investigating the association between these platelet indices and RVO in multiple online databases from inception to August 2020. Mean differences and the associated confidence intervals were obtained and calculated for each included study and pooled using random-effects inverse variance modeling. Meta-regression was used to explore interstudy and intrastudy heterogeneity.

Results: Thousand three hundred and twenty-five unique studies were screened, from which 24 studies encompassing 2,718 patients were included. Mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width were significantly elevated in RVO, with pooled mean differences of 0.45 fL (95% CI 0.24-0.66, P < 0.0001) and 1.43% (95% CI 0.57-2.29, P = 0.0011), respectively. Platelet count and plateletcrit were not significantly associated with RVO. Mean platelet volume was also independently elevated in branch retinal vein occlusion and central retinal vein occlusion.

Conclusion: Mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width are significantly elevated in RVO. Further research is required to explore the independence and potential prognostic significance of these associations.


Thibaud Mathis ۱ ۲Célia Maschi ۳Carlo Mosci ۴Charlotte A Espensen ۵Laurence Rosier ۶Catherine Favard ۷Sarah Tick ۸Charles-Henry Remignon ۱Paolo Ligorio ۴Nicolas Bonin ۹Joël Gambrelle ۱۰Anh-Minh Nguyen ۱Carsten Faber ۵Laurent Meyer ۱۱Frederic Mouriaux ۱۲Joël Herault ۱۳Stéphanie Baillif ۳Jens-Folke Kiilgaard ۵Laurent Kodjikian ۱ ۲Jean-Pierre Caujolle ۳Julia Salleron ۱۴Juliette Thariat ۱۵Affiliations expand


Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the functional and anatomical effectiveness of photodynamic therapy (PDT) versus proton beam therapy (PBT) in a real-life setting for the treatment of circumscribed choroidal hemangioma.

Methods: A total of 191 patients with a diagnosis of circumscribed choroidal hemangioma and treated by PBT or PDT were included for analyses.

Results: The 119 patients (62.3%) treated by PDT were compared with the 72 patients treated by PBT. The final best-corrected visual acuity did not differ significantly between the two groups (P = 0.932) and final thickness was lower in the PBT compared with the PDT group (P = 0.001). None of the patients treated by PBT needed second-line therapy. In comparison, 53 patients (44.5%) initially treated by PDT required at least one other therapy and were associated with worse final best-corrected visual acuity (P = 0.037). In multivariate analysis, only an initial thickness greater than 3 mm remained significant (P = 0.01) to predict PDT failure with an estimated odds ratio of 2.72, 95% confidence interval (1.25-5.89).

Conclusion: Photodynamic therapy and PBT provide similar anatomical and functional outcomes for circumscribed choroidal hemangioma ≤۳ mm, although multiple sessions are sometimes required for PDT. For tumors >۳ mm, PBT seems preferable because it can treat the tumor in only 1 session with better functional and anatomical outcomes.


Enrico Borrelli ۱Marco Battista ۱Francesco Gelormini ۱Maria C Gabela ۱ ۲Flavia Pennisi ۱Alberto Quarta ۱Mario Pezzella ۱Riccardo Sacconi ۱Lea Querques ۱Francesco Bandello ۱Giuseppe Querques ۱Affiliations expand


Purpose: To quantitatively evaluate the photoreceptor structural changes in the fellow unaffected eyes of patients with unilateral central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC).

Methods: This is a retrospective cross-sectional study. We analyzed data from patients with diagnosis of unilateral CSC, as based on clinical examination and multimodal imaging, who had structural optical coherence tomography obtained. An additional group of age-matched healthy patients was included for comparison. Main outcome measures were as follows: (1) the foveal photoreceptor outer segment lateral surface and (2) the foveal choroidal thickness.

Results: One hundred and sixty fellow unaffected eyes of 160 unilateral CSC patients and 50 age-matched controls (50 eyes) were included. The mean ± SD age was 51.6 ± ۱۱.۱ years (range 28-80 years) in the unilateral CSC group and 52.8 ± ۱۰.۸ years (range 31-74 years) in the control group (P = 0.511). The foveal photoreceptor outer segment lateral surface was significantly increased in the unaffected eyes with CSC in the fellow eye (0.068 ± ۰.۰۰۷ mm2) as compared with control eyes (0.060 ± ۰.۰۰۵ mm2, P < 0.0001). The mean ± SD foveal choroidal thickness was 368.0 ± ۱۰۵.۷ µm in the unilateral CSC group and 302.9 ± ۹۲.۲ µm in control patients (P < 0.0001). In the Pearson correlation test, the photoreceptor outer segment lateral surface correlated with the choroidal thickness in the CSC group (R = 0.166, P = 0.016) but not in the control group (R = -0.025, P = 0.864).

Conclusion: Our results corroborate the hypothesis that retinal and choroidal changes affect both eyes of patients with acute/history of unilateral disease. These structural changes could be intended as an imaging evidence of reduced photoreceptor outer segment turnover secondary to retinal pigment epithelium and choroid dysfunction.


Mirinae Kim ۱ ۲Yeo Jin Lee ۱Wookyung Park ۱ ۲Young-Gun Park ۱ ۲Young-Hoon Park ۱ ۲Affiliations expand


Purpose: To identify the optical coherence tomography biomarkers that can collectively predict the probability of collapse or reduction of drusenoid pigment epithelium detachment (PED).

Methods: This consecutive observational case series reviewed the clinical data of 24 eyes with non-neovascular drusenoid PED. Among the study population, 17 eyes showed collapse or reduction of drusenoid PED. The mean follow-up duration was 44.8 ± ۲۴.۶ months. Optical coherence tomography-derived parameters were analyzed at baseline, at the last available visit before reduction of PED, at the first available visit after reduction of PED, and at the final visit.

Results: The mean subfoveal choroidal thickness showed a significant decrease after PED reduction and at the most recent visit (P = 0.015). Migration of retinal pigment epithelium cells was detected in 15 (88.2%) after PED reduction; however, there was no significance in the frequency of migration of retinal pigment epithelium cells at each time point (P = 0.392). Non-neovascular subretinal fluid was detected in 7 (41.2%) before PED reduction, 2 (11.8%) after PED reduction, and 2 (11.8%) at the final visit. Interestingly, subretinal fluid appeared more frequently just before reduction of PED (P = 0.029).

Conclusion: We found evidence of non-neovascular subretinal fluid and choroidal thinning before reduction in PED. This finding might be useful for detection and prediction of the progression of drusenoid PED.

Updates on Retinal Vein Occlusion

Journal Club 11-28-2020

Special Thanks to Dr Bahman Inanlou

Journal Club – Updates on Diabetic Retinopathy

Journal Club -31- oct -2020- Updates on Diabetic Retinopathy