Journal Club 5-8-2021

Special Thanks to Dr Amini

A 360-degree peripapillary hyper-reflective ovoid mass-like structure (PHOMS)

Bilateral cilioretinal artery occlusions in giant cell arteritis

A case of multifocal presumed solitary circumscribed retinal astrocytic proliferation lesions in the same eye

Serous retinal detachment following bronchoscopyinduced hypertensive emergency

Degenerative lamellar macular holes: tractional development and morphological alterations

Incidence of ocular inflammation among patients with active tuberculosis or nontuberculous mycobacterial infections in a tertiary hospital in Japan

Photoablative cosmetic iridoplasty: effective, safe, and predictable—eye color change in 1176 eyes

Micro-incision, trans-iridal aspiration cutter biopsy for ciliary body tumours

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  • 0
  • 9
  • 22
  • 461
  • 1403-10-26